2011 NACSA China Trip Event Series

How to Write a Compelling Business Plan

China Trip, Events, Frontpage on January 30th, 2011 Comments Off on How to Write a Compelling Business Plan

Considering starting your business in China? Are you bogged down on having a perfect business plan, but never get started? Looking for insight and practical advice on how governments promote entrepreneurship and small business? Please take the opportunity and join us at upcoming NACSA seminar. As one of the informational sessions for the 2011 China trip, we invite a list of distinguished speakers to share their experiences and insights on where to find government funding to start a company, how to condense your plan into a compelling business pitch to sell investors, and how to survive and   thrive in a highly competitive environment in China by technology innovation. 

Date:   February 6, 2011, Sunday

Place:   Santa Clara Convention Center, conference room 201
                  5001 Great America Parkway 
                 Santa Clara, CA 95054

Admission:  Free. Seating is limited, online RSVP is required.


1:30pm – 1:45pm Registration 

1:45pm – 2:45pm Presentations
How to Write Business Plan and Get Funded for Your Business in China?


            Jianlong Dong, Sci-Tech Consul, China

            Hongyu Li, founder of several startup companies, NACSA BOD

            陈岭博士, 江苏奥雷光电有限公司总裁 (Startup in China_lingchen)

2:45pm – 3:30pm Panel discussions

3:30pm – 4:30pm Networking

 Speaker Bios:

 Jianlong Dong, Sci-Tech Consul, China

Mr. Dong is Sci-Tech consul in Consulate General of China in San Francisco and the president of Chinese Oversea Talented Resource Development Foundation. He was a counselor of international collaboration in Department of Science of China. In the past 20 years, he has devoted himself to helping high-tech leaders, projects and venture capitals to identify, promote, and commercialize prospective business projects.

Hongyu Li, co-founder of several companies, BOD of NACSA, visiting Professor of USTC, China

Hongyu Li has 15 years of working experience in IC design, wireless communications and clean tech. He is the co-founder of few companies in these areas. He has done IC designs for ZigBee, WiFi, Bluetooth and Power Line Communications. He is BOD of NACSA and visiting Professor of USTC, China.

陈岭博士, 江苏奥雷光电有限公司总

陈岭,美国纽约州立大学理学博士。曾在美国 Intel 公司、应用材料公司( Applied Materials ) 工作十余 年,先后任工程师、项目经理、技术经理、关键产品部主任等职务;从事半导体器件、工艺和设备的技术研究,曾负责多类半导体生产设备和器件产品的开发上市,这些设备和技术目前在手机电脑芯片的制作过程中广泛应用。他走访了全球几乎所有知名半导体生产厂家( IBM , TI , Motorola , NEC ,  SONY,  Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Samsung, ST, Philips, Siemens, TSMC 等)推广和支持 其产品 和技术的应用,  已获得 49 项美国专利。发表专业论文 30 余篇。 与他人合著 《创业精神与创新集群 -硅谷的 启示》。 2001 年 与 伙伴回国共同创立高科技企业, 江苏奥雷光电有限 公司, 任总裁。

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