2/27: NACSA Proudly Co-hosts: Wuxi in Silicon Valley 2010
Happy New Year and may the year of the Tiger bring you health and prosperity!
The city of Wuxi is well known for its rich cultural heritage and mystic natural beauty. Additionally, the city has been booming in high-tech activities in the areas of solar energy, semiconductor IC, and IT. To strengthen its tie with Silicon Valley, a Wuxi delegation, led by top leaders of Wuxi’s New District, will visit Silicon Valley soon to have direct dialogs and information exchanges with business leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals in the relevant fields in the Bay Area.
NACSA cordially invites members and friends, especially those who are interested in the following, to come and join us in the event:
- Starting up business in China, especially in Wuxi/Yangzi River Delta area
- Learning more about Wuxi’s 530 Project, its policy, procedure, and relevant successful stories
- Learning more about China’s “Thousand-People” project and the strong support from Wuxi
- Learning more about Wuxi’s ambition in investing in the next “big deal” in key technological areas including sensors, sensor network, etc.
- Networking with high-ranking officials from Wuxi and other business leaders, entrepreneurs , professionals from the Bay Area like yourself.
Place: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 282 Almaden Blvd., San Jose, CA 95113
Google Map
Date & Time: February 27, 2010 (4:30 – 8:00pm)
主办: 无锡国家高新技术产业开发区管理委员会
协办: 北美半导体协会
主持: 阙尧尧
- 16:30-17:00 注册、交流
- 17:00-17:15 领导欢迎辞
- 17:30-17:50 “感知中国”中心暨无锡新区传感网产业情况介绍
- 17:50-18:10 无锡“千人计划”暨无锡新区归国创业人才创新创业专题汇报
- 18:10-18:30 无锡“530计划”创业代表发言
- 18:30-18:40 海外引才工作站授牌仪式
- 18:40-19:00 Q&A互动
- 19:00-20:00 招待晚宴
Free on-line registration, seating is limited (up to 35).
RSVP is closed. Full capacity has been reached.
- 出席人员介绍
- 新区管委会主任嵇克俭: 无锡新区产业经济发展概况
- 太科园管委会 副主任张晓松: 无锡新区传感网产业规划及政策介绍
- 新区科技局副局长,530办常务副主任李敏云: 无锡新区“530”海归人员创业介绍暨无锡千人计划信息发布
- 530创业代表发言
- 现场交流互动及创业咨询
Delegation Members:
- 嵇克俭 无锡国家高新技术产业开发区管理委员会 主任
- 张晓松 无锡新区太湖国际科技园管理委员会 副主任
- 袁泳娟 无锡新区经济发展局 副局长
- 李敏云 无锡新区科技局 副局长
- 郁江 无锡新区出口加工区管理局 副局长
- 蒋帅 无锡新区信息产业科技园管理中心 副主任
- 马奇明 无锡高新技术创业发展有限公司 副总经理
- 阙尧尧 无锡软件服务外包园管理中心 副主任
- 刘平 无锡高新技术创业服务中心招商部 部长
- 潘子慧 无锡新区信息产业科技园管理中心招商部 项目经理